Label each section of the article with a heading from the box, then put the five sections in the correct order. Read the text and sum it up Pfizer uses big screen to fight counterfeit drugs Then decide whether the companies are involved in crm, green marketing or social marketing. Complete the texts describing examples of corporate social responsibility.Make word combinations using a word from each box. Read the text and sum it up word-of-mouth: teenage marketing Then use the correct forms of some of the combinations to complete the sentences below.

Read the text and find English equivalents to the following Russian words and phrases Which ad formats do you see most often on the Internet? Why do you think these formats are so popular? Put the words given below to the correct position in the text. Read the text and find equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases. Describe an outdoor advertisement you have seen recently. Read the text and sum it up outdoor advertising – a breath of fresh air Catching coverage graphics hung shelters wrapped Complete the news report using words below. Find English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases
Shared reading texts online tv#
What are advantages and disadvantages of tv as an advertising medium? Channels listeners programmes reaching station Complete the texts about tv and radio advertising using words below. Match the words and phrases to the definitions Read the text and find English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases Speak about an advertising agency: jobs in advertising, tasks that the agency performs. Which of the following statements do you agree with? Use the notes and the phrases below to explain to an ad agency what you want. You are in charge of commissioning a new ad campaign to promote Soyatastic, a new soya-based drink.

Fill each gap in the sentences with a word or phrase given below

Say whether these statements are true or false. Read the text and find English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases: